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The Business Model Canvas helps you see, on one page, what you will need to create sustainable impact. It is a straightforward, structured approach that can be learned quickly. Using this canvas will lead to insights about the people you serve. It can work equally well in situations where you have non paying, and or paying customers.  It helps you think about all the building blocks you need for success.  

The Value Proposition Canvas aligns with the BMC so by doing this first, you’ve already completed the two most important blocks of the canvas.  


By working through key categories, you will be able to flag up pitfalls and risks, test any assumptions you are making and ultimately help you deliver even more value and impact.

Customer Segments:  Who are your customers? What do they think? See? Feel? Do? 

Value Propositions:  What’s compelling about your idea and proposition? Why would people use/buy it? 

Channels:  How will people find out about it? How and where will they be able to access it?

Customer Relationships:  What kind of relationship will you have with your 'customer'?

Revenue Streams:  How will your idea generate income /savings to be sustainable? 

Key Activities:  What action is needed to deliver the value in your idea? 

Key Resources:  What do you need to have to deliver? Is it people, equipment, knowledge? 

Key Partnerships:  Who will help you deliver, these could be internal or external partners? 

Cost Structure:  What will it cost? is that for people, equipment, space, marketing?

Top Tips

Before you start

  • Grab some wall space 
  • Get the right team together  
  • Have plenty of sticky notes and markers  
  • Allow 45-60 mins of undisturbed time 

Tip 1

Start from a blank canvas and add notes with keywords to each building block of the canvas. If you use ‘sticky notes’ for this, you can move ideas around as you fill out each building block in the canvas. You may want to colour-code elements related to a specific client segment. Don't over fill the canvas or you might miss the big picture.

Tip 2

Be careful not to fall in love with your first idea and instead sketch out alternative business models for the same idea. So you might want more than one canvas for the same idea. You could practice by mapping out business models that you admire or come across. If your idea is a for a different way to deliver, sometimes its good to do a canvas for the status quo delivery. You can then compare and see the advantages of your new idea more clearly.

Tip 3

Take a break!  Forgotten anything? Need to add/remove sticky notes? 

Tip 4

Be careful not to mix ideas for a future state with what is going on right now. 

Tip 5

Review together and allow time for everyone's input.


This simplified version of the canvas will help you ask the right questions. 


Icon Resource

Simplified Business Model Canvas

Simplified Business Model Canvas